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Scenario Description
Things to Remember
Scenario Description
Inquiry Appointment Letter

Congratulations, you have received your Inquiry Appointment letter. It has been placed in your briefcase for viewing. You can access the briefcase by clicking the menu button in the top right corner.

IO Appointment Letter
Leaving Section
Are you ready?
You have chosen to begin the next section. Once you click Yes, you will NOT be able to come back to this section.

The documents you currently have in your briefcase will still be accessible to you in the final section by clicking on the Menu button in the top right corner. Are you sure you're ready to leave?
Leaving Section
Are you ready?
You have chosen to begin the next section. Once you click Yes, you will NOT be able to edit your answers.

Click the No button to go back and make changes.
Leaving Section
Are you ready?
You have chosen to leave this section. Once you click Yes, you will NOT be able to compare your answers.

Click the No button to continue viewing your answers.
Exiting Exercise
Are you ready?
You have chosen to exit this exercise. Once you click Yes, you will NOT be able to save your certificate.

Click the No button to go back and save a copy to your device.
Title Goes Here

Welcome to the SAP Security Incident Virtual Exercise. In a moment, you will be responsible for engaging in several Security Incident scenarios and determing the best way to handle each situation. Take your time and utilize all the materials and resources presented to you and choose the best answer possible.

Enter the names of each group member in the field to the right, then click the Next button to continue.

Security Incident Exercise
Student Registration

Choose a Scenario

To begin, select the scenario.

Select a scenario