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Page 28


This is page 1 of Module 2

Transcript Text

You should now be viewing the JVS Home screen. For this first visit, you are required to click the X button at the top right corner of the JVS window to close it and then log in again.​

From then on, to log off the system, you will always click the Logoff button in the upper right-hand corner. You will be redirected to the Logoff screen.​

After eight minutes of inactivity while working in DISS, a pop-up window opens asking if you want to continue your session. You have 2 minutes to respond. If you wish to keep working, click the ‘Yes, Keep Working’ button. If you do not wish to continue, click the ‘No, Log off’ button to log off the application. If you don’t respond within 2 minutes, the system automatically logs you off and returns you to the Standard Mandatory DoD Notice and Consent Screen. From there, you can click the OK button to return to the Consent and Login page, which is where you will log on to the application going forward.​

Logging Off

Screenshot of the DISS homepage, emphasizing the, Logoff button