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Transcript Text

The determination process begins at the Home screen in the Subject section. Search for a subject by typing their nine-digit Social Security Number or Pseudo Social Security Number in the Subject Search field and then clicking the Search Subjects button. If there is an exact match, the Subject Summary tab for that subject will open. ​

You can also use the View Subjects function to find the subject in a list of personnel within your SMO. ​

Click the Subject Details link beside the subject’s name to view the Subject Details tab. Note that this link is only visible if you have an owning or servicing SMO relationship with the subject. Using the Subject Actions drop-down menu, select the Interim Adjudication item to launch the Interim Adjudications tab.​

Adjudicate Interim Suitability/HSPD-12 Determinations

Starting the Determination Process​

  1. In the Subject control panel, type a subject SSN or PSSN in the Subject Search field to find the Subject in a list of personnel within your SMO.​
  2. Click the Subject Details link to open the Subject Details tab. You must have an owning or servicing SMO relationship with the Subject.​
  3. In the Basic Info tab, expand the Subject Actions menu and select Interim Adjudication.
Subject details link by subject name
Subject actions menu with interim adjudicator item enabled
Subject actions menu with interim adjudicator item disabled