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Transcript Text

Let’s begin by walking through the creation of a new SMO visit. To launch the New Visit wizard, click on the Create SMO Visit link in the SMO control panel. The New Visit pop-up wizard appears. On the first step, Select SMO, you have two options for selecting a hosting SMO. You may choose the current SMO you are in or find another hosting SMO. Now we will demonstrate both, starting with the “Find Hosting SMO” option.​

Create SMO Visit

New Visit Workflow

To launch the New Visit wizard:

In the SMO control panel, click the Create SMO Visit link.

In the Select a SMO section, either:​

  • Select the Current SMO option then click Next to continue.


  • Select the Find Hosting SMO option and enter SMO attributes (shown on the following slide).
SMO panel with create SMO visit link highlighted. Then New Visit workflow