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Transcript Text
After selecting the “Find Hosting SMO” radio button, the New Visit window expands to display three attributes panels you can use to narrow your search. In the SMO Attributes panel, type a SMO name to search for a particular SMO. You can enter
other criteria in the Organization Attributes panel to filter search results. Location Attributes are optional but will also aid in filtering search results. If you enter additional details and do not see the narrowed search results,
then remove the additional attributes and perform the search again without them.
NOTE: you may not search by location alone. As a rule, Location criteria must accompany either SMO or Organization Attributes. Click the Search button to see results in a table at the bottom of the window. Click the desired SMO to select its table row, then click the Next button to proceed through the wizard.
In the Select SMO step, the process to search by Current SMO is a little bit different than the Find Hosting SMO process. We will explain those differences on the next slide. Click the Next arrow to get started.
Find Hosting SMO
In the Select SMO step: