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Transcript Text

Each generated report has a similar structure, as shown here. In this module, all sample reports are displayed in PDF Output Format.

Each report contains five major elements:​

  1. Page Header – Includes the name of the agency generating the report, report title, a sensitive information disclaimer, and the date and time the report was generated.​
  2. Column Headings – Labels for each vertical column.​
  3. Row Headings – Labels for each horizontal row.​
  4. Report Footer – Provides extra notes about the report, including the user-selected parameters used to generate this report. The user-selected parameters are listed as codes.​
  5. Page Footer – Includes the Version Modified Date, a sensitive information disclaimer, and the page number of the report.​

As we describe the different types of JVS reports, we will cover the user roles and permissions required to view each one. But first, we’re going to test your understanding of what we just discussed.​

Introduction to JVS Reporting (continued)​

Report Structure​

Major Elements:​

  1. Page Header​
  2. Column Headings​
  3. Row Headings​
  4. Report Footer​
  5. Page Footer​
Subject Report format sample